It is a sign

Location: Hawthorne Rd, Wallingford, PA, USA

Comment : This is the sign you have been looking for. I know you have been waiting for a sign to take action. Make it happen today!

Keywords : sign, motivation, inspirational

Created By : BenVining

Created On: October 11, 2020

Found Date : October 05, 2022

Days Since Found : 716

Total Miles Traveled : 2,426

Location: El Portal, CA, USA

Comment : We found the rock behind our extra unrefrigerated beer-what a surprise! We have no idea who hid the rock, but we will be sure to hide it somewhere too!

Found Date: November 20, 2021

Location: Groveland, CA, USA

Comment : Found in staff cafeteria at Rush Creek Lodge

Found Date: November 23, 2021

Location: Groveland, CA, USA

Comment : Found at the trails behind Rush Creek Lodge.

Found Date: October 05, 2022