Paint rock

Hide rock

Follow rock

Found a rock?: You can enter the ID here to log your find with a location, photo and a comment about where you found the rock and what your reaction to it was. You do not need to sign up to post that you found a rock.

How it works

Step 1:

Find a rock and paint it, then get a unique ID number from Write the unique ID on the back and hide the rock.

Step 2:

When someone finds the rock they can enter the ID at They have the option to enter a comment, location and photo. They then rehide the rock for someone else to discover.

Step 3:

The rock painter can choose to be notified by email that the rock has been found and they can follow its progress spreading joy as it travels. How far will your rocks travel?

Everyone can view a map of the journey a rock has been on by viewing rocks on the Browse Rocks page. Anyone can search for rocks based on the name, keywords or unique ID.

Members have a My Rocks page where they can view all of their rocks and follow where they have traveled.


"Painting Rocks is fun and costs almost nothing, it's a great activity to do with kids. As your rocks travel the world, they could be found many times and bring a smile to the multiple people that will accidentally discover them"

My rocks

When you have finished painting a rock, upload a photo and it will be added to the My Rocks page. From this page you can see all of your rocks and a summary of their travels.

Each rock tells a story

When rock artists add their rock to, they can share the inspiration for each rock they paint in the comments section.

Every rock finder can post the location, a photo of the rock and write a comment about how the rock brought a smile to their faces and how they felt when discovering the rock. They do not need a member account to post that they found a rock. 

Follow your rocks as they travel the world and spread happiness.
