Bee Happy

Location: Hawthorne Rd, Wallingford, PA, USA

Comment : Love every day and bee happy. Keep it sweet. Life is like eating honey from the jar.

Keywords : bee, happy, inspirational

Created By : BenVining

Created On: October 11, 2020

Found Date : December 08, 2020

Days Since Found : 1381

Total Miles Traveled : 5,446

Location: Strathallen Hotel Rochester, NY

Comment : This rock was sitting on the sign at Strathallen Hotel. It made me happy to find it and when i saw the back of it .....I thought ,\" This should be fun and I could use some right now !!\" I hope I brighten someone elses day when they find it.

Found Date: December 07, 2020

Location: Aldi\'s Brockport NY

Comment : Found this on n the counter at Aldi\'s. Made my day.

Found Date: December 08, 2020